Paper Z

Packet dropout prevention in networked control systems based on model predictive control approach


→ overall

Minimax approaches to robust model predictive control

→ Kalman filter

Understanding and Applying Kalman Filtering
Kalman Filtering - Theory and Practice Using MATLAB
Digital Control of Dynamic Systems
Tutorial - The Kalman Filter
the Kalman filter
MIT- Kalman Filter


→ Kalman filter

 1. staffs

  1.1 materials

  1.2 codes

  1.3 GitHub assembly

 2. pre-knowledge

  2.1 objective

Theoretically, the Kalman filter is an estimator for what is called the linear-quadratic problem. [kf1]
EXAMPLE 1: continuous-time plant model Kalman filter

x˙=Ax+Bu+ωy=Cx+ν (kf.1)

with ω~N(0,W2),  ν~N(0,V2),  E{ωTω}=W20,  E{νTν}=V20,  E{ωTν}=0 , W, V is the standard deviation, or square root of variance of white noise normal distribution ω, ν , and E is the expectation operator. [kf2] [kf3] [kf4] [kf5]
A typical Kalman filter design can be demonstrated as:
Fig. kf1 continuous Kalman filter design [source file]
where Kalman filter gain [kf6] L is the variable needs to be worked out. The system in Fig. kf1 can be described as:

x^˙=Ax^+Bu+L(y-Cx^) (kf.2)

where x^ is the estimate of system state x .
The estimation error may be defined as e=x-x^ , thus, [kf7]

\begin{aligned} \dot{\boldsymbol{e}}&=(\boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{x}+\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{u}+\boldsymbol{\omega})-[\boldsymbol{A}\widehat{\boldsymbol{x}}+\boldsymbol{B}\boldsymbol{u}+\boldsymbol{L}(\boldsymbol{y}-\boldsymbol{C}\widehat{\boldsymbol{x}})]\\ &= (\boldsymbol{A}-\boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{C})\boldsymbol{e}+(\boldsymbol{\omega}-\boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{\nu}) \end{aligned} (kf.3)

Kalman filter design provides L that minimizes the scalar cost function [kf8]

J=E(eTHe) (kf.4)

where H is an unspecified symmetric, positive definite weighting matrix, which penalize specified state(in this case) [kf9] [kf10] . A related matrix, the symmetric error covariance, is defined as

Σ=E(eeT) (kf.5)

Notice that Σ is a matrix.
Further reading about matrix, vector, derivative, calculus, quadratic forms, xTPx , ATP+PA .
A general solution of (kf.3) may be written as [kf11] [kf12] [kf13] :

e(t)=e(A-LC)te(0)+0te(A-LC)(t-τ)[(ω(τ)-Lν(τ)]dτ (kf.6)


\begin{aligned} \dot{\boldsymbol\Sigma}&=\mathrm E(\dot{\boldsymbol e}\boldsymbol e^T+\boldsymbol e\dot{\boldsymbol e}^T)\\&=\mathrm E[(\boldsymbol{A}-\boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{C})\boldsymbol{e}\boldsymbol e^T+(\boldsymbol{\omega}-\boldsymbol{L}\boldsymbol{\nu})\boldsymbol e^T+\boldsymbol{e}\boldsymbol e^T(\boldsymbol{A}^T-\boldsymbol{C}^T\boldsymbol{L}^T)+\boldsymbol e(\boldsymbol{\omega}^T-\boldsymbol{\nu}^T\boldsymbol{L}^T)] \end{aligned} (kf.7)

by substitution of (kf.6) into (kf.7) , the final expression of which may be rewritten into

\begin{aligned} \mathrm E [\boldsymbol{e}(\boldsymbol{\omega}^T-\boldsymbol{\nu}^T\boldsymbol{L}^T)]&=\mathrm{e}^{(\boldsymbol{A}-\boldsymbol{LC})t}\mathrm E [\boldsymbol{e}(0)(\boldsymbol{\omega}^T-\boldsymbol{\nu}^T\boldsymbol{L}^T)]\\&+\int_0^t\mathrm e^{(\boldsymbol A-\boldsymbol L\boldsymbol C)(t-\tau)}\mathrm E\lbrack(\boldsymbol{\omega}^T(t)-\boldsymbol{\nu}^T(t)\boldsymbol{L}^T)(\boldsymbol\omega(\tau)-\boldsymbol L\boldsymbol\nu(\tau)\rbrack\mathrm d\tau \end{aligned} (kf.8)

Notice that the initial condition e(0) is uncorrelated with ωT-νTLT , therefore,

E[e(0)(ωT-νTLT)]=E[e(0)]E(ωT-νTLT)=0 (kf.9)

By reasoning process in book page 20 or pdf page 3 of MIT- Kalman Filter , (kf.8) may be reformed into

E[e(ωT-νTLT)]=12(W2+LV2LT) (kf.10)

According to page 9 theorem 1.5 of [kf14] , and [kf15] [kf16] [kf17] , (kf.4) may be rewritten as

J=E(eTHe)=tr(ΣH) (kf.11)

An auxiliary cost function may be introduced and defined as

J'=tr(ΣH+ΛF) (kf.12)

where F is an n×n matrix of zeros, and Λ is an n×n matrix of unknown Lagrange multiplier [kf18] , which provide an ingenious mechanism for drawing constraints into the optimization. In this case, F is designed as


Riccati average model ref3