
Practical tips of eagle

Draw complicated outlines

→ Resources:


→ Workflow:

entire work flow see Jared Renfro's Definitive Guide to Importing from Inkscape and Blender into Eagle Cad .

1. draw elements using Inkscape , position them at right places, e.g., Pro quad_v4 ,

Figure 1.1 quad_v4_4 board outline

Q: draw bezier curve more accurate.

2. enclose bezier curves as

Figure 1.2 quad_v4_4 board outline bezier curve enclosed

To do so,
2.1 select two node to be connected, see Inkscape Tips: Combining two distinct paths to form a closed shape at around 2:00.
2.2 使已选节点成为角->使用新线段连接已选终结点

3. Path -> Union, modify corners, see Inkscape Tutorial: Combining Objects to a Path

Figure 1.3 quad_v4_4 board outline union shape

4. shape to path, see Fixing Segmented lines in Inkscape

4.1 path -> combine
4.2 path -> stroke to path
4.3 path -> break apart
4.4 no fill, stroke black
4.5 delete shapes
4.6 path -> simplify (optional)
4.7 add stroke, 45 degree (hold ctrl fix degree), linewidth, 笔刷转化成路径
4.8 combine previous paths using 差集
4.9 剪切路径, 使已选节点自动平滑

Figure 1.4 slotted outline

5. svg to obj by Blender , see Jared Renfro's Definitive Guide to Importing from Inkscape and Blender into Eagle Cad

5.1 import svg, as in Pro quad_v4 , board_outline_path.svg
5.2 export obj, as in Pro quad_v4 , board_outline.obj

6. data processing by Excel, see inkscape_blender_eagle_obj_data_processing.xlsx

6.1 multiple gains, blender uses meter while inkscape uses milimeter, so the gain is 1000, see sheet 1 in inkscape_blender_eagle_obj_data_processing.xlsx , when deleting header rows in Excel, see Excel will not let me delete a row .
6.2 shift, blender import svg not at origin, so the data should be shifted, the amount is determined by users, see sheet 2 in inkscape_blender_eagle_obj_data_processing.xlsx , see 將一欄數字乘以相同數字
Q: how to import or format svg data in Blender correctly?
6.3 add brackets, round data(optional), see sheet 3 in inkscape_blender_eagle_obj_data_processing.xlsx , see excel表格如何四舍五入取整?公式ROUND和 INT and excel表中如何在数据中批量添加(括号) .
6.4 extract data, add closed loop (copy first row to the last), see sheet 4-5 in inkscape_blender_eagle_obj_data_processing.xlsx
6.5 copy to txt, replace tab symbol to space symbol, add "wire"s and semicolon, see Command Line Polygon , template see board_outline.txt .

7. copy to eagle command line, template see board_outline.brd

N: before run command, choose correct layer, linewidth, 导线弯折样式2

Merge boards

→ Tutorials:

Copying schematics and boards in EAGLE

→ Steps:

1. rename parts 10x 20x 2. rename fixed wire to unfixed 3. approriately cut schematic and board